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We’ll Begin N30,000 Minimum Wage Payment In June, Zamfara Gov Declares


We’ll Begin N30,000 Minimum Wage Payment In June, Zamfara Gov Declares

Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State has announced that his government will begin paying the minimum wage starting next month.

The governor announced this on Wednesday during a meeting with the leadership of the labour unions in Zamfara State.

A statement by the spokesperson for the Zamfara Governor, Sulaiman Bala Idris, revealed that implementing the minimum wage reflects the state government’s commitment to improving workers’ welfare.

The statement added that the Zamfara State Government will start paying a minimum wage of N30,000 instead of N7,000 effective June this year.

While addressing the leaders of the Zamfara State chapters of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC), Governor Lawal reiterated that implementing the N30,000 minimum wage is aimed at motivating Zamfara workers.

“Today, I want to announce to the Zamfara State Labour Union leaders that my government will commence payment of 30 thousand Naira minimum wage next month in June.

“Since assuming office as the governor of Zamfara State, my administration has implemented numerous civil service reforms to ensure workers’ welfare.

“We have achieved the payment of withheld three months salaries of workers, payment of leave grant, and other bonuses.

“My government has paid a total of N4,337,087,490 billion in four batches to state and local government retirees, which have not been paid since 2011.

“We have further plans to improve the efficiency of the civil service in Zamfara. No employee should be concerned about retirement, as we will ensure timely payment of retirement benefits without any delays. We are committed to our rescue mission.”

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