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Woli Arole Declares, “I’m A Prophet Outside Comedy, My Predictions Come To Pass.”


Woli Arole Declares, “I’m A Prophet Outside Comedy, My Predictions Come To Pass.”

Woli Arole, a comedian from Nigeria, has discussed his prophetic calling.

Arole disclosed in a recent interview with TVC that he has known he has prophetic powers since he was a young child.

He claimed that his prophetic abilities were unaffected by comedy and that his “prophecies come to pass.”

“I had known I was a prophet since my young age but I am just ambidextrous. You know, ability to function in two universes and I will do it accurately,” he said.

“So I can be a comedian professionally, crack jokes, people will laugh. But when I enter into the prophetic, I say stuff that comes to pass.”

“In recent times, the level of people’s beliefs has actually increased. I get more people that say pray for me,” he added.

“It is more now and I think one of the things that brought that into form is because people are just beginning to realise that this guy says stuff and it comes to pass, he prays for people and we have seen sporadic changes.

“I have prayed for people that they have gone home, things happened in their family.

“Who did you meet? It is Arole. I think the awareness is even beyond my expectation now.”

Arole is a stand-up comedian who became well-known for playing Prophet Woli in the hit television show “Skinny Girl in Transit.”

May God continually use you for His glory.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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