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Dorathy Bachor Writes Letter To ‘Age 26’ As She Countdowns To 27th Birthday

Birthday Shoutout

Dorathy Bachor Writes Letter To ‘Age 26’ As She Countdowns To 27th Birthday

Big Brother Naija Lockdown 1st runner up Dorathy Bachor has written a letter to ‘age 26’.

The reality star and entrepreneur has began her countdown to her birthday.

The lingerie entrepreneur is set to turn 27 tomorrow, November 4th.

Ahead of her birthday, Dorathy Bachor penned a touching letter to her past age.

She noted how they made it, survived the challenges and setbacks, fought hard and won many times.

Dorathy appreciated her past age for an amazing year, for bringing people into her life, and for the opportunities they have shared.

She, however sent a message to it, to tell her new age to bring blessings and more happiness.

“A letter to my 26th.

Hey, look we made it. We survived the challenges and setbacks, we fought hard and God stood by us. We won many times and we had a blast together.

Thank you for such an amazing year, thank you for the people you brought into my life, the opportunities and love we shared. Please tell 27 to be more graceful, tell her to bring blessings as more happiness just like you did. Birthday countdown”.

May your heart be filled with joy and your life with happiness. Happy birthday in advance!

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