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Empress Njamah Honors The Posthumous Birthday Of Her Late Friend Ada Ameh

Birthday Shoutout

Empress Njamah Honors The Posthumous Birthday Of Her Late Friend Ada Ameh

Today marks Nollywood actress Empress Njamah’s posthumous birthday, honoring her late companion and coworker Ada Ameh.

Ada passed away on July 17, 2022 on a Sunday. Sharing a video from their past on her Instagram profile, she wrote:

“It’s midnight; You’re not here for me to be the first to call and wish you a blessed birthday; God knows best

We all miss you every day, but especially today, I know that wherever you are, you’re having a great birthday and watching over us today. I celebrate your life. Your birthday is finally here, and even though you are no longer with us on earth, I will still celebrate just like we always did together

Happy posthumous birthday, my dearest SWEET TROUBLE

Just because someone has died and left earth doesn’t mean you will stop wishing them on their Birthday. Birthday wishes after deaths are sentimental mostly to the loved ones who are left behind. Telling your deceased dear ones that you are missing them on their Birthday will even bring you mental peace

Your birthday is finally here, and even though you are no longer with us on earth, your best friend Empress still celebrate you.

Happy heavenly birthday. Keep resting in Abraham’s bosom.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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