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Monkey Kills 10-Year-Old Boy By Ripping Out His Intestines


Monkey Kills 10-Year-Old Boy By Ripping Out His Intestines

A 10-year-old boy has been confirmed dead after a monkey in India tore out the child’s intestines.

On Tuesday, November 14, as a kid, named as Dipak Thakor, and his pals were playing near a shrine in Salki, a tiny village in the western state of Gujarat, they were attacked and killed by a group of monkeys known as a “notorious gang.”

He and his friends were ambushed by the ‘notorious band’ of monkeys, according to Mail Online, and one of the creatures even bit him with its claws.

The boy was taken to the hospital immediately, but sadly, he died before the medical staff could attend to him.

“His intestine was ripped out in the attack. He rushed to his house and was taken to a hospital where doctors declared him dead on arrival,” an official told local media.

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The officer went on to say that this was the monkey gang’s third attack in just this week.

Vishal Chaudhary, a forest official, stated that he and his group have been trying to catch the killer animals for some time.

“We have rescued two langurs in the past one week, and set up cages to trap another langur,’” Chaudhary said.

“There is a large troop of monkeys in the village, including four adults who have been involved in attacks in the past one week.

“Two of them have been rescued. Efforts are on to cage another.”

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