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Agnes Isika Blog

Saints Charles Lwanga And His Companions, Martyrs 


Saints Charles Lwanga And His Companions, Martyrs 

2 Peter 1:2-7
Psalm 90(91):1-2,14-16
Mark 12:1-12


Today’s gospel features Jesus addressing the scribes, chief priests, and elders. They witness the behavior of the tenant farmers in a parable, which mirrors their violence, selfishness, and desire for possession.

Despite being confronted with the truth, they are too afraid to change and miss the opportunity for a conversion of heart. Instead, they react defensively and deceive themselves, eventually acting out the negative roles depicted in the parable.

The Church commemorates the Martyrs of Uganda today, particularly St. Charles Lwanga and their companions, who bore witness to Christ by sacrificing their lives. This serves as a reminder for us to be faithful stewards of God’s creation and caretakers of His people, willing to serve with love and faith, even to the point of laying down our lives.

Fr Joseph Osho

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