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Actor In Tears; Says He Lost His Home And Money Over Sexual Allegations


Actor In Tears; Says He Lost His Home And Money Over Sexual Allegations

In a recent interview, actor Kevin Spacey broke down in tears as he acknowledged “touching someone sexually” even if the other person didn’t want him to.

The actor was charged with sexual misbehaviour in 2017, but in a 2022 New York lawsuit, he was found not guilty, and in a subsequent trial in London in 2023, he was cleared of all accusations of sexual assault.

He went into great detail regarding the charges against him in an interview with Piers Morgan.

Due to a complaint filed by another guy alleging Spacey sexually assaulted him, he is scheduled to go on trial in the UK once more, most likely in early 2025.

Spacey has refuted every accusation.

Kevin, 64, acknowledged acting improperly towards people and confessed to wrongdoing to Piers Morgan.

Kevin said he had been “Pushing the boundaries” in response to questions about his “bad behaviour.”

He later added: “Being too handsy, touching someone sexually in a way that I didn’t know at the time they didn’t want.”

Piers replied: “Some people would say that is criminal, that if you grope people in a sexual way against their wishes, that that is a crime.”

“I agree that the word ‘grope’ is a very odd word,” Kevin said, adding: “I personally, I have caressed people, I have been gentle with people, that is the way that I am. You’re making a pass at someone, you don’t want to be aggressive. You want to be gentle. You want to see if they’re going to respond positively. I think the word itself is not a word that I associate with my experience.”

Later in the interview, Spacey claimed he was on the verge of bankruptcy and had been forced to sell his home. At that point, he started crying. He disclosed that an auction is presently under on for his Baltimore residence.

He explained: “Well, it’s funny you asked that question, because this week, where I have been living in Baltimore, is being foreclosed on. My house is being sold at auction. So I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my things in storage.” When asked about where he is living, Kevin responded: “So the answer to that question is, I’m not quite sure where I’m going to live now, but I have been in Baltimore since we started shooting House of Cards there.”

He said that he “can’t pay the bills” he owed, which was the reason his home was being foreclosed upon.

Later, he disclosed that the mounting costs of his legal bills had allowed him to “sort of dodge” bankruptcy.

“None,” he said Piers when she inquired about the amount of money he had left in his bank.

He said; “Well, you do have a basic understanding of legal bills. I still owe a lot of legal bills that I haven’t been able to pay,” and before revealing the total cost was “many millions,” he was in “considerable” debt.

The Oscar-winning actor was sued in 2022 by a man who said he had suffered “psychiatric damage” after Spacey had sexually assaulted him in London’s High Court. The civil lawsuit was put on hold after Spacey was accused of several sexual offences between 2001 and 2013 by four men, of which he was ultimately found not guilty.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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