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God Is The Rock Of Ages And He Never Fails


God Is The Rock Of Ages And He Never Fails

Thursday of week 12 in Ordinary Time 

2 Kings 24:8-17
Psalm 78(79):1-5,8-9
Matthew 7:21-29

The readings today tell us the importance of placing our trust in the Lord and not depending solely on earthly powers and human institutions. They urge us to remain steadfast in our faith, regardless of the challenges we may face.

The first reading begins by recounting a historical event involving Jehoiachin, the king of Judah, who displeased the Lord and suffered the consequences when the king of Babylon attacked Jerusalem and took him, the royal household, and treasures from the Temple to Babylon.

This serves as a reminder that we should not take the Lord’s mercy for granted and that we must trust in Him rather than in worldly powers, which are ultimately unreliable.

Today’s gospel passage also emphasizes Jesus’ warning to his disciples about placing their trust in human foundations, highlighting the need to rely on Him as the unwavering rock. It encourages us, as followers of Christ, to place our trust in the Lord and remain faithful to His promises, despite the trials we may encounter.

Additionally, the passage acknowledges the challenging nature of the Christian journey and stresses the importance of steadfast faith in God, even when it feels like our prayers are unheard. It urges us to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit and emphasizes the significance of aligning our actions with God’s word.

Overall, the readings serve as a poignant reminder to remain faithful and steadfast in our trust in the Lord, recognizing that our journey is one of faith and that we are not alone, for we have Jesus as our companion, the solid rock who never fails.

Fr Joseph Osho

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