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Actor Akah Nnani Of Nollywood Talks About His Marriage

Family & Relationship

Actor Akah Nnani Of Nollywood Talks About His Marriage

Nollywood actor Akah Nnani, who spoke about his marriage to wife Chidera Nnani, expressed the opinion that love in a marriage is difficult.

Akah stated that people get married for a variety of reasons in an interview with media personality Toke Makinwa for “Toke Moments.”

The actor claims that despite their occasional dislike for one another, their marriage is founded on love rather than likes.

Akah continued, saying that true love requires a person to love their partner’s demons and that love is hard.

He said, “People marry for the wrong reasons every time. I will say love comes before likes in our marriage because there are moments and certain periods of time I don’t like my wife, it has happened there are periods when she does not like me but it is the love that keeps us. Love is complicated, you have to love somebody’s demons. That is why it is love.”

Love is unstoppable and fearless. It can overcome any obstacles to reach its goal. A happy and successful marriage is all about supporting and caring for each other. Being married means giving it your all to your spouse daily.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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