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Actress Shan George Screams When Her Bank Account Is Purportedly Cleared By A Fraudster


Actress Shan George Screams When Her Bank Account Is Purportedly Cleared By A Fraudster

Veteran Nollywood actress, Shan George has appealed to Nigerians for help her after fraudsters emptied her bank account.

The Nollywood actress said the N3.6 million naira in her bank account was cleared by a person named Cecilia.

The actress said she is now broke and have nothing to feed her kids in a video statement posted on Instagram.

She claimed that because it is weekend she is unable to visit the bank to file a complaint.

“Nigerians please help me. Someone called Cecilia just cleared all the N3.6 million in my Zenith Bank account into her Opay. I’m now koboless. I have nothing to eat with my children

“The worst part is today is Saturday, I can’t go to the bank to complain,” George lamented.

This is so sad and painful! I pray and hope that nemesis catch up with whoever is responsible for this devilish act. Please stay strong ma’am.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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