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Average price of 5kg cooking gas increases to N4,642.27 in April — NBS


Average price of 5kg cooking gas increases to N4,642.27 in April — NBS

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has disclosed that the retail price of refilling a 5kg gas cylinder has soared by 0.69 per cent in April.

According to data released by the agency in May, the price increased from N4,610.48 recorded in March to N4,642.27 in April, 2023. 

 “The average retail price for refilling a 5kg Cylinder of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Cooking Gas) increased by 0.69% on a month-on-month basis from N4,610.48 recorded in March 2023 to N4,642.27 in April 2023. On a year-on-year basis, this rose by 22.15% from N3,800.47 in April 2022. 

According to the report, it costs N5,000 to refill a 5kg gas cylinder in Kwara state which made the highest average price for April. 

The report adds, “On State profile analysis, Kwara recorded the highest average price for refilling a 5kg Cylinder of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Cooking Gas) with N5,000.00, followed by Abuja with N4,965.15, and Kaduna with N4,960.80.

“On the other hand, Rivers recorded the lowest price with N4,250.00, followed by Enugu and Anambra with N4,252.51 and N4,256.14 respectively. In addition, analysis by zone showed that the North-Central recorded the highest average retail price for refilling a 5kg Cylinder of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Cooking Gas) with N4,893.67, followed by the North-West with N4,693.76, while the South-East recorded the lowest with N4,461.65,” NBS report shows.

Likewise, the NBS noted that while the price of refilling 5kg increased by 0.69% in April, that of the 12.5kg cylinder rose by 0.59% on a monthly basis. 

“Also, the average retail price for refilling a 12.5kg Cylinder of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Cooking Gas) increased by 0.59% on a month-on-month basis from N10,262.56 in March 2023 to N10,323.33 in April 2023. On a year-on-year basis, this rose by 26.44% from N8,164.37 in April 2022.”

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