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Doyin Cautions Women That Getting Married Without Having Their Own Money Is A Terrible Mistake

Family & Relationship

Doyin Cautions Women That Getting Married Without Having Their Own Money Is A Terrible Mistake

Doyinsola David, popularly known as Doyin, is a reality TV personality and podcast host. She has counseled women against getting married before they are financially independent.

The greatest error a young woman can make, according to her, is to rely solely on a guy, stressing that achieving financial independence should be their main objective.

Doyin wrote; “The biggest mistake you can make as a young lady is depending completely on a man. Attaining independence should be the first thing on your mind….before love, marriage or kids. MONEY FIRST!

If you don’t have your own money, a reasonable amount of money saved up. You’re NOT ready for marriage and most definitely NOT ready to have kids. You need your own money!!

Even when you have your money sef, after marriage just have one child first and watch what type of father he is before you start giving birth like a chicken. Only have the number of kids you know you can afford to cater for on your own. Life happens!

Don’t ever believe that lie of divorce is not an option because it is! We don’t pray for it but life happens. There is no better back up plan than having your own money! Not your husband’s money, YOUR OWN MONEY!”

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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