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DSS Alerts Nigerians Over Planned Protests


DSS Alerts Nigerians Over Planned Protests

The Department of State Services (DSS) reports that it has been made aware of certain people’s and organisations’ intentions to hold violent protests on Wednesday, June 12, in several regions of the nation.

Peter Afunanya, the security agency’s spokesperson, said in a statement that the protests are planned with “sinister objectives to coincide with the Democracy Day Celebration.”

‘’While citizens may have the rights of assembly and expression, such freedoms should not be used to undermine public safety and national security,” Afunanya says.

According to the DSS, it will not be accepted for certain non-state actors to use potentially violent protests as a means of causing widespread discontent.

The statement in part reads; ‘’It is instructive to note that violent demonstrations are at variance with the peaceful disposition of the Federal Government to amicably address all contentions including the minimum wage. Citizens are, therefore, called upon to resist any persuasions to be lawless or cause disorder and anarchy in the nation. Displeased persons are rather encouraged to appropriately channel their grievances through the right channels and procedures.

“Consequently, the DSS reaffirms its unequivocal position to protect the country from inimical acts being orchestrated by disgruntled groups to cause a breakdown of law and order. It will also sustain collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, including sister security agencies, to maintain the peace as well as protect lives and property across the nation. Law-abiding citizens are enjoined to go about their businesses without fear.

“The Service, while felicitating the government and citizens on this auspicious occasion of celebrating 25 years of unbroken democracy, calls for continued patriotism, unity and commitment to building a Nigeria of our collective dream. Meanwhile, the DSS website,; email address- and Telephone lines +2349153391309; +2349088373514 remain open to the public in the event that there is a need to contact it.”

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