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Ed Sheeran On Why He Does Not Think Artists Don’t Care About Success


Ed Sheeran On Why He Does Not Think Artists Don’t Care About Success

The well-known British musician Ed Sheeran has shared his opinions about other musicians who claim they are in the music industry for the love of it rather than to pursue fame.

The hitmaker of “Thinking Out Loud,” Jake Shane, made it clear during a recent appearance on Therapuss With Jake Shane that he doesn’t think such claims.

Ed Sheeran asserted that those musicians wouldn’t sign with record labels or distribute their songs on a commercial basis if they genuinely didn’t care about success.

The singer, who has won many Grammy Awards, asserted that all musicians aspire to fame and prosperity, emphasizing that those who claim they don’t care about success are merely saying it because it “sounds cool.”

He said: “I don’t believe any artist that says they don’t, otherwise, you wouldn’t release music because you’d be like, ‘If I don’t care what people think, then why would I even put it out?’ You’d just sort of make the music and be like, ‘Well, that’s made me feel good.’

“All artists, we want to be loved. That’s why we are on stage. And that’s why you sign to a record company, to go, ‘I would like people to hear the music that I’m making.’ I don’t really subscribe to this whole, like, not caring thing. That’s all a kind of ruse, because it sounds cool to say but every artist wants people to like their music.

“It really pisses me off when people are like, ‘Oh I don’t care how it does.’ I’m like, ‘F*cking shut up! You do! Everyone does.’ Anyone in the pop game definitely cares.”

I agree with Ed on this, in as much as we have a passion for something we love doing, we still want to make profit out of it by being successful.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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