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John McAfee’s Widow Suspects ‘Sinister’ Motive For Unreturned Body

John McAfee’s Widow Suspects ‘Sinister’ Motive For Unreturned Body

McAfee’s widow; Janice McAfee is speaking out as she suspects there is a motive behind Spanish authorities still withholding her husband’s corpse nearly a year after his demise in a Catalan prison.

The widow of the cyber security pioneer has launched a campaign to free his body from the Spanish morgue.

Janice McAfee questioned the intentions of Spanish authorities, who have held her husband’s body since an official autopsy that reportedly confirmed suicide while he awaits extradition to the US.

John McAfee’s Widow Suspects ‘Sinister’ Motive For Unreturned Body

Mrs. McAfee has questioned the official statement, claiming that McAfee was not suicidal and the delay in releasing his body has obstructed efforts to conduct an independent autopsy.

“If that suicide story had any credibility, why are they not allowing us an independent autopsy? Why can’t we get post-mortem reports there?” Mrs. McAfee said in an interview with the YouTube channel Rice TVX this week.

“There is no reason to delay so much. I mean it could just be incompetence on the part of the Spanish [authorities] But I think something more sinister may be going on here.

John McAfee’s Widow Suspects ‘Sinister’ Motive For Unreturned Body

“A lot of things have happened right now that just don’t add up. They were so quick to rush into the suicide story. But even then they wouldn’t give us the autopsy report, they wouldn’t leave his body, they had to continue with his body.” Doesn’t need to, and there’s nothing they need to do with it… Why they wouldn’t release it doesn’t make sense unless they have something to hide.”

One online petition was set up this week to return McAfee’s body to his widow, to collect 100,000 signatures to help “shed light” and “understand the mysterious circumstances surrounding the demise of the founder of McAfee Anti-Virus”. to provide a conclusion”.

Without McAfee’s body, Mrs. McAfee has been unable to perform the funeral and has remained in Spain while awaiting his remains.

“It’s unforgivable why they would keep his remains for so long,” she said in the interview. “They are hiding something and I think an independent autopsy will help get some answers as to what might have happened to him and how he died.”

A piece of paper found on McAfee’s body, which officials claimed was a suicide note, was shared by Mrs. McAfee last July. She believes it was a draft of a tweet, which he shared with her during a phone call from prison while posting it on the social network site.

“This note is not like someone who has no hope and is contemplating on ending his life,” she wrote last July. “This note looks like a tweet from John.”

Lawyers representing McAfee’s daughter; Jane said in February that the legal process could be completed by 2022 before her remains were returned to the family.

“It is my understanding that it may take months for the High Court to rule on the judges of the lower court. [ruling of suicide],” Joy Athanasiou told MarketWatch.

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