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Memorial Of Saint Paul VI, Pope


Memorial Of Saint Paul VI, Pope

Wednesday of week 8 in Ordinary Time 

1 Peter 1:18-25
Ps 147:12-15,19-20
Mark 10:32-45


The cross is an indescribable symbol in the Greco-Roman civilization. It represents suffering and pain leading to death. Each page of the gospel illustrates Jesus’ teachings on the cross, and in today’s gospel, we are reminded of the path of the cross, which the Messiah took to bring us salvation. Thomas A. Kempis once said that salvation and eternal life can only be found through the cross.

The first reading from the first letter of Peter emphasizes the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection. The image of the “spotless, unblemished Lamb” sacrificed on the cross bought us eternal life with God.

Not only is the “Blood of Christ imperishable,” but His word is as well. This truth is evident as the Gospel message has influenced Christ’s followers for over two thousand years.

The Gospel speaks of the challenge of drinking from the “chalice” that Christ drinks from and being baptized with Christ. Jesus addressed James and John, who were seeking positions of power in His “kingdom.”

They did not fully comprehend the implications of their request until the day of Pentecost and their deaths. Similarly, we grow into our faith and understanding of Baptism and Confirmation through immersing ourselves in following Christ’s teachings and actions.

Today, the Church commemorates Pope Pius VI, who was elected to the papacy after the death of Saint John XXIII. He oversaw the Second Vatican Council to its conclusion in 1965 and led the Church into the modern world.

During his fifteen-year papacy, he had a significant meeting with the Greek Patriarch, established World Peace Day, and authored the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which has had a profound impact on Catholics and the world’s view of human life.

Ultimately, the most challenging aspect of life is living as a true Christian. I am deeply grateful that the Church provides Sacraments to support us on our faith journey because no one can do it alone.

The gifts and graces received through the Sacraments urge us to become the person God created us to be. It’s important to remember that God’s mercy, love, and forgiveness surpass our imagination.

Fr Joseph Osho

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