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Motherhood: Help! My Child Tells Lies, How Do I Teach My Child To Be Honest? 16

Family & Relationship

Motherhood: Help! My Child Tells Lies, How Do I Teach My Child To Be Honest? 16

Hello Great Mothers!

Parents, especially mothers have a great influence in moulding the character of their children. As discussed in previous articles, we mold and shape our children’s character from home. We instill important virtues in them from childhood, before they begin formal education.

One of the most important virtues we are expected to instill in our children from childhood is honesty. Honesty is a virtue that helps a child navigate through different facets of life successfully as they grow. So, we must teach our children this important value. According to research, a small percentage of elementary school students behave honorably.

Therefore, we must make our children stand out by teaching them the importance of being honest. Teaching them about honesty may be challenging, but it is worth our patience, and sacrifices.

Much has been discussed in previous articles about these important virtues, but here, we shall discuss the importance of teaching our kids about honesty.

Honesty Establishes Trust in Relationships

Every good relationship must first be established in trust because it is the foundation upon which deep connections are built. Honesty lays the foundation of trust in every relationship. An honest child establishes and maintains good relationships with peers, family, and authority figures.

Children who practice honesty regularly show dependability and integrity, which are critical for building healthy and truthful relationships. Children show others that, they can be trusted to act and speak honestly by being truthful in their interactions.

This fosters a sense of assurance and safety among their classmates, homes and school environments, and other relationships as they grow into adults.

God notices your dedication to caring for your home; He will bless you accordingly. So, be joyful, for a happy mother nurtures a happy home.

Kenny Thomas

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