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MOTHERHOOD: Types Of Mothers 1

Family & Relationship

MOTHERHOOD: Types Of Mothers 1

Hello, lovable mothers! How are we doing? We must be doing great, I think. We have talked extensively about parenting because it is so important to us as mothers, our kids, and society as a whole. I hope this has been beneficial.

The subject of today is very fascinating. Wow! Do you know there are five different types of mothers? The type of mother you are also has a great impact on your children. It also has to do with how we interact with our kids and the relationship we build with them. It’s fascinating, isn’t it?
Identifying your type of mother will help you take positive steps to heal or strengthen your family relationships.

So grab a cup of cold juice, relax, and join me as we discuss the various mother types and their impacts on our children.
According to psychologists, the five types of mothers are:

  1. Perfectionist Mother
  2. Unpredictable Mother
  3. The best friend Mother
  4. The me-first Mother
  5. The complete Mother

Perfectionist Mother

These Mothers are perfectionists, and they are quite successful in arrears of their calling. Some of them often bring this into their parenting. They set high standards for themselves and their children because of fear of causing havoc in their children’s lives, and eventually ended up being a failed mother.

According to Psychologists, they expect perfection from themselves and believe that others expect such from their children. They believe that their standards will lead to excellence but it often backfires. How? You may ask.

As a perfectionist mother, you often:

● Criticize themselves
● Blame themselves when their children are not doing well academically, career-wise, etc.
● Get angry when standards are not meant
● Compare yourself to other mothers and blame yourself for not meeting up to their expectations.
● Blame yourself for not doing more for your children, even though you are doing a lot already.
This perfectionist syndrome has a negative effect on our kids. Instead of being great kids, it makes worse.

How? You may ask.

Your children may give up when they realize that they cannot meet up with your high standards. For example, they may stop attending classes when they realize that they cannot get straight A’s.

As a result of this, they may end up developing mental health problems, like: depression, anxiety, etc.

We all want to be perfect Moms and want perfection in our children. According to psychologists, instead of setting high standards, the following strategists have proven to be more effective in achieving perfection in children;

● Mind your language: When your child did well or perform poorly, instead of saying, this result was a complete success or a total failure. Congratulates or encourage the child by asking where he has performed well and where he needs to improve.
● Whether your children are doing well or not, always have in mind that kids are different and each mistake is a given advantage to be better.
● Encourage your child to succeed, but don’t demand of him more than he can handle.
● Focus on your child’s effort rather than the result. Praise him/her for studying hard rather than for scoring an A on a test. This also applies to other areas, like house chores, etc.

Hope this has been helpful? Please leave your comment.


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