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MultiChoice Remains Silent About DStv And GOtv Price Changes


MultiChoice Remains Silent About DStv And GOtv Price Changes

MultiChoice Nigeria, a broadcasting firm, has not commented on the rumored adjustments of the subscription costs for DStv and GOtv customers in the nation.

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According to a story that surfaced on Tuesday, the pay TV company lowered its rates in response to a court ruling that ordered it to halt its plans to raise monthly subscription fees.

The corporation must cease its plans to raise membership fees until the outcome of a lawsuit filed by Festus Onifade, an Abuja-based attorney, is determined, according to a ruling made by the Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal in Abuja.

Onifade said in a lawsuit filed with the Tribunal that the company’s eight-day notice of the price hike was insufficient.

It reads: “MultiChoice Nigeria is aware of the recent ruling by the Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal (CCPT) regarding its jurisdiction to entertain a price regulation matter. We disagree with the ruling, and will therefore file an appeal against said ruling.

“As the matter is currently sub judice, we are restrained from making further comments.”

MuItichoice should approve this new price or accept to give Nigerians a free one month subscription directed by a three-member panel of the Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal.

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