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Nigerian Man Reportedly Dies After Donating Kidney To His Mother


Nigerian Man Reportedly Dies After Donating Kidney To His Mother

A young Nigerian man has reportedly died after he donated one of his kidneys to his ailing mother. The yet-to-be-identified man paid the ultimate price for his sick mother as he passed on after his kind gesture.

A Twitter user identified as Abubakar Sadiq Kurbe said the unnamed young man chose to save his mother when doctors insisted she needed a kidney donor.

The young man sacrificed his kidney to help his mother, who was dying, but the treatment wasn’t entirely successful because the young man who donated his kidney passed away.

The Twitter user who announced the death of the man wrote: “He died after donating his kidney to his mother Allah sarki man. Indeed, my brother you died a Hero I feel the pain and the Mother she is alive.

“May Almighty Allah reward him jannatul Firdaus. Indeed his a Hero.”

David Nwamini Ukpo, a young man involved in the organ harvesting allegations against a former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu and his wife, Beatrice, recently broke his silence.

Ukpo, whose kidney was to be harvested for Sonia, daughter of the Ekweremadus, said he was lured to the UK and the move was without his consent.

The Nigerian couple have been arrested and charged in the UK for attempting to harvest the kidney of Ukpo. They were denied bail by a London magistrates’ court where they were arraigned hours after their arrest last Thursday, June 23, 2022.

Ukpo on Facebook on Saturday, June 25, 2022, shared his side of the story in a post titled, ‘My journey to UK.’

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