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Saints Peter And Paul, Apostles


Saints Peter And Paul, Apostles

Acts 12:1-11
Psalm 33(34):2-9
2 Timothy 4:6-8,​17-18
Matthew 16:13-19


Today, we celebrate two great men of the Church: Saints Peter and Paul. They were two ordinary men, one a fisherman and the other a Pharisee and a tentmaker, who recognized that God had called them to be something greater than they thought themselves to be. They dared to speak the truth spoken to them through Christ, enduring suffering and hardships for their beliefs.

Despite Peter’s past denials of Christ, he was entrusted by Him with the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and was told that he would be drawing souls into the net of faith and charity. Similarly, Paul, once a zealous enemy of the Church, was chosen by the risen Lord to become the greatest theologian and missionary.

Both Peter and Paul, martyrs for the faith, bore witness to the truth of the living God by making the supreme sacrifice of death. On this feast, we remember their establishment of the Church and recognize that all baptized in the Church are its people. Their prayers are powerful, and they both put their faith and trust in the Church as they spread the “Good News,” despite the challenges they faced.

On this feast, we should pray fervently for the Holy Father and all the shepherds of Christ’s flock, recognizing the pressures and challenges they face in their roles. It is important to never weaken the communion of faith and charity that binds us, and to provide our prayerful support to our bishops and the Church.

May Saint Peter and Saint Paul inspire us all to follow Christ and guard and protect the Holy Roman Catholic Church through their prayers and merits. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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