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SO SAD! Anambra Pastor Commits Suicide After Lover Jilted Him


SO SAD! Anambra Pastor Commits Suicide After Lover Jilted Him

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.

A pastor of a Pentecostal Church in Nnewi, Anambra State, identified as Pastor Prosper Igboke, has committed suicide as he jumped down from a two-storey building in Nnewi.

Punch reports that  Igboke jumped down from the building and died instantly after he was jilted by his lover, who he had spent so much money on. 

A relative of the deceased said the 30-year-old man from Leru community in Umunneochi Local Government Area, Abia State, had trained his lover in the University, after which she declined his marriage proposal.

“The incident happened last month. The man (Igboke) was 30 years old at the time of his death. His girlfriend, whom he intended to marry disappointed him after seeing her through the university.

He jumped down from a two-storey building and died. I am surprised that a man of this age and a pastor can do this.”

According to their village tradition, the relative said he was buried in a forest for committing “sacrilege”.

“He was eventually buried on Friday in a bush in his community,” the source added.

The spokesperson of the state police command, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, said the incident was not reported at the police command.

If you are troubled by thoughts of suicide, speak up. Asking for help is an act of bravery that will change your life for the better.

Although you may be feeling alone and as if the world doesn’t understand you, there will always be somebody out there who wants to listen and wants to help you. It may be a big step for you to take, but if there is anything that will prevent you from committing suicide, talking to someone is the most likely to push you in the right direction. You are not weak by asking for help, you are strong and must realize that you are worthy of this life.

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