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The Cost Of True Discipleship


The Cost Of True Discipleship

Monday of week 13 in Ordinary Time 

Amos 2:6-10,​13-16
Psalm 49(50):16-23
Matthew 8:18-22

Dearly beloved in Christ, as we embark on a new month and continue to journey through life, It is important to keep in mind the message in today’s Gospel. The brief exchanges between Jesus and the two potential disciples remind us of the challenges of true discipleship.

The stories of the teacher of the law and the man wanting to bury his father emphasize the commitment and sacrifices required to follow Jesus. We see that true discipleship involves a wholehearted dedication to living a life modeled after Jesus.

When we think about the earlier experiences of other followers like Peter and Andrew, we are reminded that becoming a disciple may require us to let go of our old ways and follow Jesus without hesitation. It is not always easy, and Jesus does not ask us to calculate the costs or tie up all our loose ends. Instead, He simply invites us to “Follow me!” and have faith in His call.

As we reflect on these stories, we understand that the path to discipleship begins with being interested in Jesus and His teachings. However, it is when we truly commit to living out His teachings, embracing His love, and carrying our crosses daily, that we become disciples.

The journey of discipleship may not be easy, but it is a path filled with the potential for spiritual growth and a deeper connection with Jesus.

Wishing you a Happy New Month and God’s blessings.

Fr Joseph Osho

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