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The Quest Of Faith


The Quest Of Faith

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Wisdom 1:13-15,​2:23-24
Psalm 29(30):2,4-6,11-13
2 Corinthians 8:7,​9,​13-15
Mark 5:21-43

In last Sunday’s gospel, we read about Jesus calming the storm and questioning his disciples’ lack of faith. Today, Mark shares an important detail about a synagogue official who asked Jesus to heal his sick daughter.

On the way, a woman with a hemorrhage reached out and touched Jesus’ cloak, believing it would heal her. Jesus felt power leave him and asked who had touched him. This reveals Jesus’ divinity and humanity working together to perform miracles, showing his dual nature as both God and man.

The readings from the Book of Wisdom in today’s Mass reflect on the fall of man and its consequences. They speak about how sin brought illness and death into the world, but Christ came to restore us. The sacraments, especially the Anointing of the Sick, offer us the grace and healing to restore us to wholeness.

We are all invited to seek the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick in times of serious illness and crisis, approaching it with seriousness, penitence, and faith. Through God’s infinite love and mercy, we are given the opportunity to be rescued from sin and to grow in the virtues of faith, hope, love, patience, humility, generosity, and obedience.

May the Lord In his infinite love and mercy continue to rescue us from sin and may he grant us the desire to seek and attain the higher virtues of faith, hope, and love, patience, and humility. generosity and obedience. Amen

Fr Joseph Osho

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