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Tinubu Sends Crucial Message For Christians On Easter


Tinubu Sends Crucial Message For Christians On Easter

President Bola Tinubu has joined the Christian faithful to commemorate Easter, a significant moment and glorious celebration of the triumph of life over death.

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This was contained in a statement by Ajuri Ngelale, special adviser to the President on media and publicity, on Friday in Abuja.

He said the President greeted Christians in Nigeria and around the world on this occasion, emphasising love, sacrifice, and compassion as the patent themes of this solemn season.

Mr Ngelale said that Mr Tinubu noted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for humanity as a lesson for leaders and Nigerians to yield to selflessness and compassion and be steadfast in pursuing a united, peaceful, and prosperous nation.

He said the President commended Nigerians for the sacrifices they made in the past few months for the nation to be steered to the path of recovery and sustainable growth.

”The President is assuring Nigerians that the seeds of patience they have sown are beginning to sprout and will, in no time, bring forth an abundance of good fruits.

”As Christians celebrate the victory of life over death as exemplified by the resurrection of Christ, President Tinubu assures all citizens that Nigeria will triumph over its challenges as his administration remains firmly committed to this end,” Mr Ngelale said.

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