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Tricycle Driver, Who Zooms Off With Passenger’s Goods, Arrested


Tricycle Driver, Who Zooms Off With Passenger’s Goods, Arrested

Sani Abdullahi, a tricycle driver, has been detained by the Gombe State Police Command for stealing the belongings of his customers.

The State Police Command’s spokesperson, ASP Mahid Mu’azu Abubakar, revealed this in a statement on Sunday, February 12, 2023.

He said the suspect is skilled at fleeing with passengers’ belongings as soon as they get off his tricycle.

The statement read, “On the 7th February 2023 at about 5 pm, Operation Hattara which is an operational outfit under the police force Gombe State command intercepted a suspect named Sani Abdullahi of 28 years, a resident of Anguwa 3 quarters who is a tricycle driver popularly known as Keke Napep.

“On the said Date Insp. Hamza Muhammad attached to 34 PMF Gombe boarded a tricycle with his wife from the Gombe main market to Yalan- guruza quarters gombe alongside the goods purchased from the market valued at fifty thousand naira #50,000.

“The husband dropped along Bank road leaving his wife to complete the journey to their residence, on arrival, the wife alighted with her child and before she remove the food items, the suspect zoomed off with the items to an unknown destination.

“Unfortunately for the suspect the husband took a grop of his means of identification before he dropped and reported the case to the Police (Operation Hattara).

“Similarly on 09/02/2023, the suspect repeated the same act on one of his customers who boarded the tricycle with 3 bags of charcoal leaving her helpless at Nayinawa quarters which lead to his arrest by the tricycle riders association of Gombe and immediately handed over to Operation Hattara who gave out his details to the association in connection to the first case.

“The receiver of the stolen items who bought the items for N4000 naira was also arrested for an offence of receiving stolen property. The suspects have confessed to having committed the offence, exhibits were recovered and the case will be charged to court for prosecution.”

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