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Agnes Isika Blog

Tuesday Of The Ninth Week In Ordinary Time


Tuesday Of The Ninth Week In Ordinary Time

In today’s readings, we are reminded of the challenges we face. The first reading from the letter of St. Peter urges us to be wary of the temptations and trials of the world, such as injustice, inequality, doubts, fears, poverty, despair, and desperation.

St. Peter reassures us that the day of the Lord will come after a time of purification, bringing a new earth and special grace to renew and glorify God in all aspects of life.

In today’s gospel, some Pharisees and Herodians try to trap Jesus with a question about paying the census tax. Jesus wisely advises to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s, emphasizing that while we are subject to human laws, our ultimate allegiance is to God.

We are reminded that our dignity, worth, and sense of belonging belong to God, and we are destined for a new earth and heaven. We are called to live our faith in our daily lives, facing challenges while finding nourishment for our souls.

Our world may have its share of selfish and imperialistic powers, but Jesus and Christ-like leaders encourage us to live faithfully and care for our common home. As members of the Church, we thank God for each day’s blessings and offer our lives to spread the Good News. With God’s grace, may we find joy and gladness in all our days. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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