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Walk Away From Marriage That Is Not Working- Yul Edochie

Family & Relationship

Walk Away From Marriage That Is Not Working- Yul Edochie

According to actor Yul Edochie, a person might find their perfect match by getting married up to fifty times.

The actor said in a recent interview that marriage shouldn’t be a “do or die” circumstance and that people should know when to end a relationship when it’s no longer working.

In his words

‘’Marriage is not a do or die thing. No! It could work. If you see it’s not working, walk away. Respectfully. You don’t have to hurt each other, you don’t have to…Once you walk away and you see the next person you want to marry, marry. If it doesn’t work again, go. See another one again, marry. You can marry fifty times. You can’t control how people react towards you. What makes me happy is different from what makes is going to make you happy and do not let anyone tell you do this and it will be good for you. No! Find out what works for you. And if you decide in this life that you will not marry till you die, please don’t marry. Be happy”

Personally I think the bravest thing you can do is let go of an unhappy relationship. Leaving an unhappy relationship is not a sign of weakness, but of self-respect. Don’t let the fear of being alone keep you trapped in an unhappy relationship. You deserve love that brings you joy, not one that brings you tear all the time .

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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