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Agnes Isika Blog

10th Sunday In Ordinary Time 


10th Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Genesis 3:9-15
Psalm 129(130)
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Mark 3:20-35


In today’s gospel, the Scribes from Jerusalem accuse Jesus of working for Beelzebul, the Devil. They condemn the good work Jesus does in the name of the Father. The gospel also shows misunderstandings, including when Jesus’ relatives think he is out of his mind because of his commitment to his mission.

The gospel also highlights Jesus’ campaign against evil from the start of his public mission. He frequently casts out demons, leading to misunderstandings. He invites the Pharisees to recognize him as the God of strength, freeing mankind from enslavement to the Devil. Jesus’ victory over darkness, completed by his death and resurrection, shows that the light has entered the world.

There is further misunderstanding when the crowd tells Jesus that his mother and brethren are looking for him, and he seems to disown them. However, Jesus shows that Mary, his blessed mother, is worthy of honor not only because she gave birth to Jesus, but also because she does the will of God.

Our Lord tells us that if we follow him by doing God’s will, we will share his life more intimately. Those who do the will of the Father are joined to Christ through a heavenly generation.

Let us model ourselves on the example of the blessed lady, pondering the word of God in our hearts and following Mary’s example. Let us have total confidence in the power of her intercession on our behalf.

Fr Joseph Osho

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