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‘Why I brushed my teeth 6 times for kissing scene in ‘Water & Garri’ – Tiwa Savage


‘Why I brushed my teeth 6 times for kissing scene in ‘Water & Garri’ – Tiwa Savage

The premiere film “Water & Garri” included a kissing scene that Nigerian singer Tiwa Savage revealed that she brushed her teeth six times.

The Afrobeats artist clarified that she engaged in the sanitary habit in order to make a nice first impression.

This was revealed by her in a recent BET interview.

Tiwa said, “The first day on set, I had my kissing scene. I am glad it was my first day because I just went right into it. I remember in my dressing room, I brushed my teeth like five, six times because I was like I needed to represent. But, he was very lovely. All of the cast was. They were really, really nice.”

Savage, who played the lead character (Aisha) in the movie, shared kisses with Andrew Bunting, her co-star (who plays Kay in the movie).

‘Water & Garri’ premiered on Prime Video on May 10.

The movie, produced by Tiwa Savage, was filmed in Cape Coast, Ghana, and directed by Meji Alabi.

It stars Tiwa Savage (as Aisha), Andrew Bunting (as Kay), Mike Afolarin (as Mide), and Jemima Osunde (as Stephany).

Film acting has been a very pure experience, because you have to give the purest form of yourself as an artist. Well-done Tiwa!

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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