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Woman Shocked After Visiting Hospital And Told She’s ‘Dead’


Woman Shocked After Visiting Hospital And Told She’s ‘Dead’

A woman was horrified when she arrived for a hospital scan only to be told by personnel that her records showed that she was already ”dead.

Susan Johnson of Scarborough was left shaking by a leaf’ after nurses at Bridlington Hospital in Yorkshire informed her that her records showed she had been deceased for four months.

The incident left Susan, a retired housekeeper, perplexed that her husband Bob needed to bring her a strong coffee to soothe her anxiety.

The mother-of-two told BBC News: “I gave them my letter and their first words were, ‘Ooh you’re dead’.

“I said, ‘pardon?’. I was in shock.

“Then they put something on the computer so I could have the scan and then they just said, ‘bye’ and that’s it.”

It’s unclear how the error occurred because Susan’s GP informed her that it had been corrected when she contacted them.

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She was informed by the phone taker at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) that her record as already deceased remained.

“On the computer, you’re dead,” she was told. Susan then told her she couldn’t be dead because she was on the phone and conversing.

Susan’s carer’s payment for caring for her crippled husband Bob was temporarily suspended as a result of the error, but it has now been restored.

She claimed she shut down totally after hearing the news and that there was no one to talk to about the mistake.

Scarborough Medical Group informed the BBC that they had received an electronic instruction regarding the ‘death’ from Primary Care Support England (PCSE).

Susan is focusing on her interests in gardening and knitting while she recovers from the trauma.

An NHS spokesperson said: “We are aware of an issue involving a civil death registration being incorrectly recorded against a patient’s medical record.

“This was removed within 24 hours of it being reported to us in March 2023 and the patient was re-registered by their GP.

“We would encourage the patient to contact us directly so we can explain further.”

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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