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Mercy Johnson Highlights Her Experience As A Working Class Mum

Mercy Johnson Highlights Her Experience As A Working Class Mum

Nollywood actress Mercy Johnson has highlighted her experience as a working-class mother as she reveals having children is stressful in a video shared.

According to the actress, merging work and caring for the children can sometimes be overwhelming as it requires patience and perseverance.

Mercy Johnson said prospective mothers should know what they signed up for because the shocking truth is that it is not as easy as it seems, especially as a working-class mom.

Taking to Instagram, she asked the mothers on her page how they interact with their children after the close of work and asked if they are team sneak to the room or team let’s play and spend time together.

She wrote:

You know say everything na laff una dey laff ,i am serious oooo….

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Moms , how is it like for you after work? Are you on team sneak to your room or team lets play and spend time together small.

Parenting is the biggest responsibility one can take up. The future of your children is in your hands, and that is a big job at hand.

The journey is tough but rewarding as well. As you see your children grow to become adorable, caring, sensible and responsible, you feel satisfied about a job well done.

Parenting is the biggest sacrifice one can make. It’s putting your life on hold to fulfill the promise of your children’s tomorrow…

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