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Agnes Isika Blog


Saved By Faith

Thursday of week 8 in Ordinary Time 

1 Peter 2:2-5,​9-12
Psalm 99(100):2-5
Mark 10:46-52

Nothing could stop Bartimeus (the blind beggar) from crying out to Jesus for mercy- nothing even the disciples of Jesus. His preserving faith brought him to the Light and God who sees his heart answered him.

He drew nearer to Jesus and followed him along the road. We too have been blinded by our sins and our own desires but we are admonished today to take courage and stand up in faith.

God who knows our innermost part of our hearts, will grant us his mercy and saving help. Do not let anyone or anything stop from reaching out and drawing close to Jesus. He is asking you today, what do you want me to do for you?

So before we raise our voice and call out to Jesus, and before we throw off the “cloak” that burdens us or defines us, we first need to know our deepest desire: “Master, I want to see.” Lord, I want to be your disciple. As long as we stand for God, we are children of light.

O Glorious Saint Joseph, after the Blessed Virgin, you were the first to hold in your arms the Redeemer. May you teach us; may you assist us, may you make us worthy members of the Holy Family. – Saint Joseph Marello

Fr Joseph Osho

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