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UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres Arrives Maiduguri


UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres Arrives Maiduguri

The UN Secretary-General is in Maiduguri, Northeast Nigeria, on a visiting trip and was joined at the Airport by the Borno State Governor.

The United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has just arrived in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno, Northeast Nigeria.

Guterres, who is on a one-day working visit, was received at the Maiduguri International Airport by the Governor of Borno state, Babagana Zulum.

The Secretary-General is expected to meet with officials of the Borno state government and the humanitarian community in the state, according to the earlier itinerary made available to journalists.

He will also be visiting Gubio IDP Camp where HumAngle had recently done extensive reporting on the hunger situation the IDPs have been facing amidst apparent neglect by government and humanitarian aid providers in the state.

The UN official will likely visit a holding facility in Maiduguri where over 50,000 surrendered Boko Haram fighters are being housed.

Welcome to the home of peace..  We hope you enjoy your stay..

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