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Actress Ms. DSF On How Successful Women Inspire Fear In Nigerian Men


Actress Ms. DSF On How Successful Women Inspire Fear In Nigerian Men

Nigerian men have come under fire from Nollywood actress and media personality Dorcas Shola Fapson, also known as Ms DSF.

Many Nigerian males, according to her, lack confidence in their masculinity.

During her appearance on the Bahd and Boujee Podcast, which is co-hosted by actress Moet Abebe and reality personality Tolanibaj, Ms. DSF revealed that she has come across men who were terrified by her success.

She pointed out that loving and supporting successful women requires a “very secure” man.

She noted that it takes a “very secure” man to support and love successful women.

She said, “When you are successful, beautiful and have everything going for you, I feel like it can be intimidating to a lot of men. I’ve had a lot of my male friends tell me that I come across as intimidating.

“It takes a very secure man to support, encourage and love someone who is successful, beautiful and has everything going for them. Because you [the man] have to bring a lot to the table. I don’t have to prove what I am bringing to your table, you have to show me what you’re bringing to my table. You’ve to level up and beat my level.

“It takes a lot for a man to do that and for him to be secure in his masculinity and not feel like the successful woman is overbearing.”

Strong women only intimidate weak men. Strong men respect strong women.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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