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Biden Attributes Ineffective Presidential Debate Performance To Jet Lag

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Biden Attributes Ineffective Presidential Debate Performance To Jet Lag

Jet lag was the reason given by US President Joe Biden for his subpar performance during a TV debate with Donald Trump.

The 81-year-old Biden said, “I wasn’t very smart,” pointing to two consecutive travels to Europe at a campaign event. I chose to take a few trips throughout the globe. The president also joked that he “fell asleep on stage” during the debate and said that he “didn’t listen to my staff” on travel.

Democratic leaders, meanwhile, were increasingly making it clear that they would not accept White House attempts to dismiss Mr. Biden’s performance during the face-off as a brief slip-up when he occasionally wandered off and provided sluggish, incomprehensible responses.

It happens just days before the president is scheduled to meet with Democratic governors and congressional leaders, participate in a network TV interview, and hold a press conference.

This intense campaign is intended to counter mounting calls for him to withdraw from the 2024 race following his appalling performance.

Regarding the growing calls for Mr. Biden to withdraw from the race, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated, “We want to turn the page on this.” She went on to say that the president had no plans to resign and that his debate shortcomings were only the result of “a bad night” brought on by a cold.

Legislators are becoming more and more irate that the White House has not provided a satisfactory explanation for why a well-experienced politician like Joe Biden could have performed so poorly, therefore it is not helping that Mr. Biden has not yet reached out to them.

There were many questions regarding whether this was a one-time event or indicative of a pattern. Two individuals who had private conversations with Mr. Biden had comparable accounts of him. He was usually very attentive and observant, but occasionally, especially later in the evening, he would appear confused or have disorganized thoughts, which would cause him to stumble over his words.

According to Nancy Pelosi, a former speaker of the US House, “it is a legitimate question” as to whether Joe Biden’s performance was simply “an episode or is this a condition” on MSNBC.

“When people ask that question, it’s legitimate — of both candidates,” Mrs Pelosi said. But she did not go so far as to ask him to step aside. Mrs. Pelosi said she had not spoken with Mr. Biden since the debate, but she emphasized that the president is on “top of his game, in terms of knowing the issues and what is at stake”.

Later, a spokesman declared that Mrs. Pelosi “looks forward to attending his inauguration on January 20, 2025” and expressed her complete trust in Mr. Biden.

Although Mr. Biden has admitted that he did not perform well, he has assured supporters that he was not as young as he once was and that he knew how to carry out his duties. However, allies fear that Biden’s next inevitable error, even if it is not as serious as his disastrous debate performance, will revive voters’ doubts about the president’s suitability for office.

The president’s family has urged him to continue running for office. He should not give up the struggle, according to the two most influential people: US First Lady Jill Biden and her son Hunter.

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