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Do You Constantly Fail Mathematics No Matter How Hard You Study? You Might Have Dyscalculia


Do You Constantly Fail Mathematics No Matter How Hard You Study? You Might Have Dyscalculia

The study of mathematics is regarded as one of the foundational subjects in the curriculum all around the world. It has a significant social influence and adds to our understanding of fundamental science and technology.

Back view of high school student solving math problem on whiteboard in classroom.

Numerous people’s lives depend on mathematics, which has an impact on all parts of human existence.

Given its significance and high regard, mathematics is a prerequisite for other subjects.

In both developed and developing nations, mathematics is still a challenge in schools, colleges, and universities. Some students keep failing the subject no matter how hard they study.

What possible factors could account for such low mathematics pass rates? A condition known as dyscalculia may be present in addition to inadequate resources, poor education, and lack of dedication to studying.

According to the Stark Griffin Dyslexia Academy (SGDA), dyscalculia is a particular type of learning problem that affects about 6% of the world’s population.

“Individuals with dyscalculia are not less intelligent than other individuals but struggle to learn mathematics despite having an adequate learning environment at home and school. It is a condition that affects the ability to acquire arithmetical skills,” said the organization.

According to reports, dyscalculic students may also find it difficult to grasp basic mathematical concepts, lack an intuitive understanding of numbers, and master mathematical operations. Even if they achieve the desired outcome or use the proper technique, they might do so robotically and without assurance.

According to the SGDA, children with this problem struggle in primary school and may grow anxious or have a strong aversion to math.

In their senior year of high school, they are likely to have difficulty finishing math and science courses, leaving them with limited career options.

The SGDA emphasized that people with this illness may earn less even as adults and may struggle to manage their daily expenditures.

“Someone with dyscalculia may appear absent-minded, with a tendency to get lost, lose things, lose track of time, or easily become disoriented; because of this, it is possible for them to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), rather than dyscalculia,” reported “Psychology Today.”

School child thinking while solving mathematics problem.

According to the media outlet, there is no one test for dyscalculia, but the condition is typically diagnosed through a thorough evaluation that looks at family history, test results from standardized tests, past academic performance, and the exclusion of other, closely related disorders like generalized anxiety disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

“Dyscalculia, like other learning disabilities, cannot be “cured” and will persist into adulthood. However, with treatment, support, and accommodations, individuals with it can learn to manage the condition and identify coping strategies that allow them to successfully navigate the world,” said “Psychology Today.”

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