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Faith Gives Victory Over Sin


Faith Gives Victory Over Sin

Thursday of week 13 in Ordinary Time 

Amos 7:10-17
Psalm 18(19):8-11
Matthew 9:1-8

In today’s gospel, we see great faith in the relationship of the people who brought the paralytic to Jesus. They believed that Jesus could heal the paralytic. Jesus did not only heal him but wiped away all his sins. Only God has the power to forgive us our sins. Only God can change our lives. Only God can wipe away our tears and better our understanding.

We need to constantly grow in our faith and trust in him. When you choose to have faith and hope in God and His Divine Providence, all things are possible. Discover one step you can take this new month that might open the door to the truth for you and the hope that is always available to you. Remember, hope is the key to possibility and your faith is what supports every area of your life.

Fr Joseph Osho

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