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Father Of 5 Daughters Cuts Open His Pregnant Wife’s Womb


Father Of 5 Daughters Cuts Open His Pregnant Wife’s Womb

A 46-year-old Indian father was sentenced to life in jail after using a sickle to slash open his 8-month-pregnant wife’s stomach to determine whether she would give birth to a boy or a girl.

Panna Lal, a resident of Badaun’s Civil Lines in Uttar Pradesh, attacked his wife, Anita Devi, in September 2020.

They were married for 25 years and had five daughters. They used to argue regularly because Panna Lal wanted her to give birth to a boy.

Anita’s family was aware of the couple’s argument and attempted to get Panna Lal to stop arguing, but he threatened to divorce Anita and marry another woman in order to father a son.

On the day of the event, the couple argued about the gender of the unborn kid once more.

Panna Lal became enraged and threatened to cut up Anita’s stomach to determine if she was pregnant with a boy or a girl.

When Anita fought back, he threatened to murder her.

He assaulted her with a sickle, and she ran away.

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He seized her and used the sickle to slash open her stomach.

Anita informed the court that the cut was so deep that her intestines hung from her tummy.

She went out onto the street, and her brother, who worked at a nearby shop, heard her shouts and hurried to her aid. When Panna Lal saw him, he fled the scene.

Anita was brought to a hospital. She survived the attack, but her baby, a boy, could not be spared.

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, Panna Lai was sentenced in a fast-track court by Additional District and Sessions Judge Saurabh Saxena.

In court, Panna Lal claimed that Anita intentionally inflicted the wounds on herself in order to launch a false case against him since he was involved in a property dispute with her brothers.

Ravi Singh, Anita’s brother, told the Times of India that when his sister became pregnant for the sixth time, Panna wanted her to abort because he was convinced by a village priest that she was carrying another daughter.

“But Anita was adamant about keeping the child. He’s often beat Anita but we never thought he would take such an extreme step. We are happy he got this punishment, Sadly, my sister is not yet able to live a normal life,” he said.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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