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FG Approves Mother Tongue As Compulsory Language In Elementary School


FG Approves Mother Tongue As Compulsory Language In Elementary School

The federal government has passed a new national language policy that makes the mother tongue the compulsory schooling language in public elementary schools.

Education Minister Adam Adam, who briefed reporters on the outcome of a meeting of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) chaired by President Mohammedu Buhari at the Abuja State Capitol on November 30, today announced the announcement.

The minister announced that his first six years of education will use only his mother tongue, combined with English in secondary school.

He said the policy was officially enforced, but could only be fully implemented if the government developed educational materials and made them available to qualified teachers. Adamu said native language should be used by everyone
The school becomes the primary language spoken in the community in which it is located.

The minister said the government is willing to preserve the culture and its unique peculiarities, stressing that much has been lost due to the extinction of some local languages.

He assured Nigerians that all Nigerians were equal and would be treated as such.

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