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Five Dead After Tajikistan Quake

Five Dead After Tajikistan Quake

An earthquake struck eastern Tajikistan on Saturday morning, killing at least five people, according to authorities in the mountainous Central Asian country.

Tremors from the 5.9 magnitude quake could be felt in the capital of Dushanbe, 165 kilometres (100 miles) southwest of the epicentre.

“Dozens of houses were destroyed,” the Tajik committee for emergency situations said.

“Power lines were also partly damaged” in three villages in the district of Tajikabad, where all the victims lived.
The quake struck at 7:14 am (0214 GMT) and at a depth of 10 kilometres, according to the committee and state news agency Khovar.

Tajik President Emomali Rakhmon has ordered a commission of enquiry headed by the prime minister, Russian media reported.

Turkmenistan, bordering Afghanistan, is frequently hit by earthquakes.

Source: Punch

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