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I’ve Had My Fair Share Of Disputation – Sanusi


I’ve Had My Fair Share Of Disputation – Sanusi

The 14th Emir of Kano, Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II, claims he has experienced his fair share of controversy.

At the ongoing Rivers Economic and Investment Summit in Port Harcourt, the esteemed monarch made this statement.

The event’s keynote speaker, Sanusi, stated that despite having a busy schedule, he accepted Governor Siminalayi Fubara’s offer out of respect for the governor and the people of Rivers.

“When I received the invitation from His Excellency to come and serve as the keynote speaker at the maiden Rivers State Economic and Investment Summit, my diary was filed with a lot of programmes both locally and internationally.”

“I also had a bit of apprehension about coming to speak at a public forum such as this. Because sometimes, it doesn’t matter what we say about the problems or truthfulness of the solutions we try to proffer on reconfiguring the economy for the benefit of all. Sometimes misinterpretation and sensationalism become the aftermath of the speech more than the success. I’m sure we all agree that I have had my fair share of controversy.

“This misrepresentation sometimes makes this cause a matter of controversy rather than a solution. However, honour begets honour and I regard the invitation of His Excellency as an absolute honour and thar’s why I am here. Also honouring Rivers State is for me hououring one of my best friends, Herbert Wigwe.”

The monarch commended the Fubara administration for seeking to chart a new path for growth and prosperity.

He said as an oil-rich state, the natural resource was not enough to turn the fortunes of Rivers around but such feat could be achieved through purposeful leadership.

The summit is Sanusi’s first public appearance since the news of the move to reinstate to the throne broke.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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