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Jide Kosoko Gives Reason For Postponing His 70th Birthday Party


Jide Kosoko Gives Reason For Postponing His 70th Birthday Party

Veteran nollywood actor, Jide Kosoko has postponed his 70th birthday celebration due to the economic hardship in Nigeria.

Jide Kosoko, who turned 70 on January 12, said he appreciates his colleagues and fans who came up with the idea of celebrating his contributions to the industry while he was still alive.

However, he said he is but “putting it (celebration) on hold because of the masses, of which I am part of”.

The thespian in an Instagram post on Sunday, said he was sure that “very soon, the challenges facing the country will be over and we will all be happy about it”

He wrote: I want to use this opportunity to offer my sincere appreciation to my colleagues who came up with the idea of celebrating me for my contributions to industry growth and development our industry while I am still alive and kicking. This also falls within the year of my 70th birthday.

It is my sincere prayer that they will all remain relevant in all areas of human endeavours they find themselves in.

I have discussed with them, and they reasoned, that the celebration should be put on hold, basically because of the current situation in the country and what the people are going through.

I am very sure that very soon, the challenges facing the country will be over and we will all be happy for it.

I am putting it on hold because of the masses, of which I am part of.

Thank you all for your understanding!.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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