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Juventus Appoint Thiago Motta As New Head Coach


Juventus Appoint Thiago Motta As New Head Coach

Thiago Motta, a former manager of Bologna, has been named head coach of Juventus.

Massimiliano Allegri was replaced by Motta when his contract was mutually terminated due to his actions following Juventus’ Coppa Italia victory.

After choosing to leave Bologna at the end of his contract, the 41-year-old Italian-Brazilian signed a contract with Juventus that would last until June 30, 2027. This was after he secured Champions League qualifying with a fifth-place finish in Serie A.

“I am really happy to begin a new chapter at the helm of a great club like Juventus,” Motta said on the club website.

“I thank the owners and the management, who can be sure of my ambition to keep the Juventus flag flying high and to please the fans.”

Former Barcelona, Inter and Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Motta won 30 senior international caps for the Azzurri.

After moving into coaching, Thiago Motta had spells coaching at Genoa and Spezia before taking the Bologna job in September 2022.

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