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Lesson Learnt From Herbert Wigwe’s Tribute Night


Lesson Learnt From Herbert Wigwe’s Tribute Night

A tribute is a speech, poem, or song expressing admiration and gratitude for someone. It is often spoken of in the context of honoring a deceased person’s memory. A tribute can be given to friends, family members, colleagues, and mentors who have passed away.

Herbert Wigwe; the CEO of Access Bank Plc, one of Nigeria’s top five banking institutions, was recently laid to rest and one thing I take from everyone who gave tributes to Herbert Wigwe was how large his heart was.

Building relationships and making an impact in people’s lives is so key. At the end of the day, this is all that really matters.

For those who are so close to him, The loss of a good man like Herbert Wigwe is like losing a part of yourself. You never forget him, no matter where life takes you.

Herbert Wigwe’s life was one of selflessness and love. He was an inspiration, and a role model to many. His dedication and commitment to helping others will always be remembered.

Am pretty sure that his loving presence will always endure forever in the hearts and souls of those he has put smiles on their faces.

In the quiet spaces between memories and the echoes of laughter, we pay homage to an individual, an Icon whose legacy transcends the boundaries of time; Herbert Wigwe.

“Today and always, let us remember that life is a precious gift – a chance to breathe, feel, love, experience, and connect. 

“Let’s honor this gift by living with purpose, kindness, and gratitude, making every moment count.
Let us number our days.” Herbert Wigwe.

Rest in peace, beloved Herbert Wigwe. You are gone but never forgotten.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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