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London Graduate School Has Denied The Certificate of Adamu Abdulhamid, Nigeria’s Newly Approved Ambassador to the WTO

London Graduate School Has Denied The Certificate of Adamu Abdulhamid, Nigeria’s Newly Approved Ambassador to the WTO

As the school has told the Peoples Gazette, Nigeria’s newly appointed Ambassador to the World Trade Organisation, Adamu Abdulhamid, has not obtained a Master of Business Management and Leadership from the London Graduate School, UK.

Mr. Adamu, Acting Head, Chargé d’affaires de l’ONU Nigeria, WTO, Geneva, Switzerland, was appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday.

A letter from Ibrahim Gambari to Niyi Adebayo, Minister of Industry Trade and Investment, sent to Ibrahim Gambari, Chairperson of this Office of the Staff Chief.

The statement read in part that the President, Muhammadu Buhari, has approved Dr Adamu Mohammed Abdulhamid, the appointment for the period of four years of the new Nigerian Ambassador to the World Trade Organisation, Geneva Swiss. ”

Mr Adamu is said to have a Master’s Degree in Business Management and Leadership from London Graduate School, UK, and a Doctorate of International Relations and Economic Diplomacy from Commonwealth University, UK, in economics and international development, from Université Clermont Ferrand (Cermont Ferrand University, France).

The Peoples Gazette, however, confirmed that London Graduation School was never a student. He did not graduate of the institution.

“We don’t know the person you name (sic) and wasn’t a student anytime with me,” the college said in an e-mail.

It claimed furthermore that pupils are not admitted directly to the university since there is a lack of graduate authority.

“The London Graduate School is the delivery arm for OTHM, a UK licensed award body, and hence we do not directly take students. We don’t have degree powers, but we do deliver top-level grades that are confirmed and honored on the website of the University by our partners, the University of Chichester.”

Mr Abdulhamid did not have a telephone number over the entire weekend. The Gazette arrived in Geneva for comment at the WTO Headquarters.

Mr Abdulhamid joined the Nigerian government years ago and grew to the level of the management. After being placed in Abuja by the Federal Trade Ministry before he was appointed as Mr. Buhari’s full ambassador, he was the office of Nigeria’s WTO business officer.


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