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Motherhood: At what Age Should I Introduce To My Child A SmartPhone? 5

Family & Relationship

Motherhood: At what Age Should I Introduce To My Child A SmartPhone? 5

Hello, Great Mothers!

Many parents struggle with the decision of when to give their children their first smartphone, fueled by concerns about the potential negative consequences of excessive use, as discussed in a previous article.

However, in today’s world, giving our children a phone is often considered necessary for communication and tracking their movements. While some parents prefer basic cell phones, others prefer smartphones for their more advanced features.

Previous discussions have focused on the negative effects of smartphones on children, but this article will look at the positive aspects and benefits they can provide.

It serves as a Safety Tool

Most smartphones include a feature known as a location tracker. This feature allows parents to track their children’s movements. This is one of the reasons why some parents prefer a smartphone for their children over a regular mobile phone.

For Ease of communication

Smartphones provide a more flexible communication experience than regular phones, which are only capable of making calls and sending SMS. This flexibility is useful for planning, staying connected, and dealing with emergencies. The use of smartphones, particularly video chats, and real-time interactions, has improved our relationships with our children, their peers, and other family members. It also allows for tracking their movements and providing assistance in emergencies.


In today’s world, the smartphone is the most common tool for acquiring educational knowledge. Unlike textbooks, which provide a limited amount of information, smartphones provide access to a vast virtual library. Children use smartphones to complete assignments, projects, and research on various educational topics using platforms like Google, YouTube, and similar resources.

Smartphones have both advantages and disadvantages, so we must establish guidelines when introducing them to our children. Details on these guidelines will be discussed in my upcoming article.

God notices your dedication to caring for your home; He will bless you accordingly. So, be joyful, for a happy mother nurtures a happy home.


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