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Nine-Year-Old Stabs 10-Year-Old To Death In South Africa


Nine-Year-Old Stabs 10-Year-Old To Death In South Africa

A nine-year-old child stabbed a 10-year-old boy to death after the two got into a disagreement on their way home from school in Brandfort, Free State, South Africa.

Captain Stephen Thakeng, a spokesperson for the South African Police Service (SAPS) Free State, verified the event on Friday, May 10, 2024, saying the nine-year-old child went to his house to get a knife, then returned and stabbed the deceased.

“It is alleged that two schoolboys, from different schools, were on their way to their respective homes on 08 May 2024 at about 16:00 when a fight reportedly broke out between them,” he said.

“Preliminary investigations reveal that the nine-year-old boy went to get a knife from his home nearby and returned, stabbing the 10-year-old boy.

“Police were informed about the incident and upon arrival, found a 10-year-old boy still in school uniform lying inside the ambulance with a stab wound on the left side of his chest.

“The paramedics pointed out a silver stainless steel knife with a black handle on the ground.

“The boy was certified dead at the scene in one of the streets of Nomzamo Park, Majwemasweu, Brandfort. The mother identified the deceased as her son.

“Both are Grade 4 learners in different primary schools in Brandfort. An inquest has been registered and the nine-year-old child was handed over to his parents to be referred to social workers,” he added.

Also confirming the tragedy, Makalo Mohale, the Free State Education MEC, identified the dead as Kamogelo Leepile, a student at WSM Malotle Primary School in Brandfort.

This incident occurred in front of several students who were on their way home.

Mohale stated that Kamogelo Leepile was stabbed three times by a grade 4 student from Monamodi Primary School.

Howard Ndaba, Free State Education Spokesperson, said the suspect, who, according to his mother, had complained of constant bullying by the deceased and his brother, was escorted to the police station on Thursday morning, May 9.

MEC Mohale has urged on schools to provide a safe environment for both students and teachers.

Mohale said the incident can only be described as “ abhorrent and travesty “.’

“We strongly condemn any acts of learner misconduct including bullying and relentlessly appeal to parents in assisting to enforce discipline in and outside the school environment.”

Psychosocial services have been dispatched to both campuses to offer counselling.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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