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North Korea Claims It Has A Missile That Can Hit US & ‘Shake The Work’s

North Korea Claims It Has A Missile That Can Hit US & ‘Shake The Work’s

The North Korean foreign ministry on Tuesday said it has a Missile that can reach the US and “shake the world.”UN experts said there had been “a marked acceleration” in missile testing.

Pyongyang has conducted a flurry of missile tests, since the beginning of the year, including seven in January, a feat the foreign ministry said was “remarkable achievements.”

According to Reuters, North Korea said it tested the Hwasong-12, one of its most advanced intermediate-range missiles made in 2017, on January 30 its first test since its creation. The country also said it had a long-range missile named the Hwasong-15, which it said can reach the US mainland. The Hwasong-15 has not been tested since it was made in 2017.

In a Tuesday statement, the foreign ministry said the larger missile can strike the US with ease.

North Korea Claims It Has A Missile That Can Hit US & 'Shake The World'

“In today’s world, where many countries waste time dealing with the US with submission and blind obedience, there’s only our country on this planet that can shake the world by firing a missile with the US mainland in its range,” it said, Reuters reported.

“There are more than 200 countries in the world, but only a few have hydrogen bombs, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and hypersonic missiles.”

United Nations experts warned this month that there had been “a marked acceleration” in the testing of short- and medium-range missiles in recent weeks.

The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider. A State Department spokesperson previously said it “condemns” two of the missile tests conducted earlier in January, saying they violated multiple UN Security Council resolutions.

The UN Security Council first subjected North Korea to sanctions over its arms and nuclear activities in 2006 and has since increased their severity.

The UN also believes that North Korea funded its missile program with around $50 million in stolen cryptocurrency.

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