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Outrage Over Brutal Beating Of Tyre Nichols, As Video Emerge (Viewers discretion)

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Outrage Over Brutal Beating Of Tyre Nichols, As Video Emerge (Viewers discretion)

Tyre Nichols, a resident of Tennessee, was repeatedly pounded with their fists, boots, and batons by five Memphis police officers while he cried out for his mother and said he was trying to go home according to the video released by US authorities on Friday (local time).

The violent scenes in the film show the officers, who are also black, beating him up before dumping him on the sidewalk leaning against a squad car as they fist-bump and celebrate their accomplishments.

The footage surfaced a day after the policemen were accused of murder in connection with Nichols’ death.

The recording shows police savagely beating the 29-year-old FedEx worker for three minutes while screaming profanities at him throughout the attack. The Nichols family legal team has likened the assault to the infamous 1991 police beating of Los Angeles motorist Rodney King.

After the first officer roughly pulls Nichols out of a car, Nichols can be heard saying, “I didn’t do anything,” as a group of officers begins to wrestle him to the ground.

One officer is heard yelling, “Tase him! Tase him!”

Nichols calmly says, “OK, I’m on the ground.”

“You guys are doing a lot right now,” Nichols says. “I’m just trying to go home.”

“Stop, I’m not doing anything,” he yells moments later.

Nichols can then be seen running as an officer fires a Taser at him. The officers then start chasing Nichols.

Tyre on hospital bed

Other officers are called, and a search ensues before Nichols is caught at another intersection. The officers beat him with a baton, and kick and punch him.

Security camera footage shows three officers surrounding Nichols as he lies in the street cornered between police cars, with a fourth officer nearby.

Two officers hold Nichols to the ground as he moves about, and then the third appears to kick him in the head. Nichols slumps more fully onto the pavement with all three officers surrounding him. The same officer kicks him again.

The fourth officer then walks over, draws a baton, and holds it up at shoulder level as two officers hold Nichols upright as if he were sitting.

“I’m going to baton the f… out you,” one officer can be heard saying. His body camera shows him raise his baton while at least one other officer holds Nichols. The officer strikes Nichols on the back with the baton three times in a row.

The other officers then appear to hoist Nichols to his feet, with him flopping like a doll, barely able to stay upright.

An officer then punches him in the face, as the officer with the baton continues to menace him. Nichols stumbles and turns, still held up by two officers. The officer who punched him then walks around to Nichols’ front and punches him four more times. Then Nichols collapses. Two officers can then be seen atop Nichols on the ground, with a third nearby, for about 40 seconds. Three more officers then run up, and one can be seen kicking Nichols on the ground.

As Nichols is slumped up against a car, not one of the officers renders aid. The body camera footage shows a first-person view of one of them reaching down and tying his shoe.

Hard questions about why fatal interactions with law enforcement persist despite repeated pleas for reform have been raised by the horrifying photos of another black man dying at the hands of police.

Tyre Nichols Mum and Stepfather

Many dozen protesters stopped the Interstate 55 bridge in Memphis, which crosses the Mississippi River and leads to Arkansas, as protesters gathered for largely peaceful rallies in several cities, including Memphis. In a long line, semi-trucks were parked. In Lafayette Park, which is across from the White House and next to Black Lives Matter Plaza, scores of protesters gathered in Washington.

After the videos were released, Kamala Harris; the US Vice president said in a statement that “Tyre Nichols should have made it home to his family. Yet tonight, once again, America mourns a life brutally cut short at the hands of those sworn to protect and serve.

I join President Biden in his call for accountability and transparency. Read my full statement.

Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr., and Justin Smith were among the five officers involved in the case who were fired last week following an administrative review that determined they had broken departmental rules regarding the use of force.

Hmm….this is so heartbreaking. Another man dies at the hand of people who are meant to protect lives. What is the world turning into? Police brutality has to stop.

Our deepest condolences to Nichols’ family. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.

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